Egg incubator CIMUKA CT120 SH


Līzinga piemēri Termiņš Maksājums GPL
12 mēneši € 72,70 / mēnesī 23,70
9 mēneši € 94,73 / mēnesī 25,05
6 mēneši € 138,79 / mēnesī 27,43
3 mēneši € 272,30 / mēnesī 36,18

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Highest quality, professional egg incubator for the price of a hobby machine – this concisely describes CIMUKA CT Series incubators.

The ultimate reliability and precision of CIMUKA incubators is a direct result of extensive scientific research of egg incubation and over 40 years of manufacturer’s hands-on experience in poultry farming. Read more about the manufacturer CIMUKA here.

Due to the reliability and impeccable precision of CIMUKA incubators they are widely used in scientific research – here is a list of studies where CIMUKA incubators have been used published in the prestigious Poultry Science magazine.

Only highest quality, non-corrosive materials like plastic, aluminium and stainless steel are used in CIMUKA incubators. Besides the ultra-precise temperature, humidity and air-circulation systems (see below) providing the highest hatching results possible, CIMUKA cabinet incubators are much easier to clean and maintain compared to competing products, to a great extent thank to double-door design.

CIMUKA incubators comprise several patented systems. The company’s slogan is “35 years of precision for a simple equation” – the “simple equation” being a chirping chick. After the first time of usage it becomes obvious that CIMUKA incubators do live up to the moto fully!

In terms of quality and results CIMUKA incubators are not only equal but in many respects superior to leading brands in the industry (eg. Brinsea or Rcom). They can be acquired for a much more friendly price though, which makes it an obvious choice for the most discerning poultry keeper – professional or amateur!


Capacity: 120 chicken / 80 duck or turkey / 216-312 quail / 48 goose eggs (with GT03 trays, sold separately)
Consumption: average 55W (max 175W)

Patented technologies used in CIMUKA CT Series incubators:

CONTURN™ egg turning system
Excellent, patented design allows the incubation of eggs of different sizes. Made from shock-resistant ABS plastic. Eggs are gently being turned continuously every two ours invisibly changing the angle by 45 degrees each side.
HUMISONIC™ humidity control system
Patented system turns water from liquid into gas using ultrasonic waves. Compared to conventional incubation humidification systems HUMISONIC™ doesn’t cause temperature differences within incubator cabinet (as opposed to humidity heating pipes that cause unwanted extra heat).
AIRROUTE™ air circulation system
This patented technology significantly improves hatching results. AIRROUTE™ takes care of optimal temperature and humidity distribution inside of the incubator. AIRROUTE™ complies with IP55 protecion class, allowing it to work efficiently in wet and dusty environments. Technology tolerates power surges as its working voltage ranges 90-265V.

Read more about the manufacturer CIMUKA here.

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